Monday, May 29, 2006

Yes I'm alive

I just went through a major stitching slump this month. Thinking that I was just getting tired of the Purple Project, I went ahead and started something small, but not too small, easy but still fun. My Morning Fairy is still a WIP and who knows when I'll get around to finishing it.

I did manage to finally use up the last bit of skein number 3 for the Purple Project.

I really need/want to start another project. Yes, I know I have a lot of WIPs already and it would really be nice to actually finish something from that pile, but nothing is really calling to me. I need something new. But what? Hmm...


Suz said...

Why don't you start something relatively small? Then you don't have to feel guilty about having yet another WIP and also get the satisfaction of an HD?

Your purply project is very pretty thusfar :) Congrats on what you have accomplished :)

Anonymous said...

Do whatcha have to do, girl! Where would you rather be? WIth a closet full of WIPs, but still enjoying your stitching? Or never stitching again because it has thoroughly lost its appeal for you?

I agree with Suz. Congrats on what you've accomplished on the purple monster so far. It looks great!

Anonymous said...

Your Purple Project is looking very good! :) Don't let it get you down. It's going to look awesome when you finish.

Christine S said...

Your purple Token looks fantastic!

I agree with the others. You want to enjoy your hobby so if you want to start another piece, start one! If you feel like you need a bit of a break from stitching, that's okay, too. I quite often take mini-breaks (2-4 days) in my stitching just because of other committments, hobbies or because I just plain don't feel like stitching

Unknown said...

Your purple project looks lovely.

Karin said...

The purple project is looking awesome - but I can see how it would quickly become overwhelming. A break might be good.

Scully said...

It's looking fab so far Abi. I am sure I'll get this way when I start Rosemarkie..that will be purple too!
Keep up the good work and as others have said, you stitch whatever screams at you :)

Lelia said...

Wow. This is lovely. Lots of purple! Enjoy whatever you are working on -- or go ahead and jump into a new project.